TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — Indiana State Police are sharing tips on how to stay safe from online predators after a recent human sex trafficking case in Fort Wayne.
According to our sister station in Fort Wayne, two women are accused of recruiting a 17-year-old, whom they met on social media, for sex trafficking.
According to court documents, the 17-year-old had communicated with someone on Instagram about how she wanted to leave home and was looking for someone to take her in, which is how she eventually connected with the two suspects: 20-year-old Harley Rose Cooley and 21-year-old Leticia Monique Granados.
State Police Seargent Matt Ames said that both sex trafficking and labor trafficking are a worldwide issue. Ames said parents should be aware of their child’s social media usage as he said traffickers often use social media to reach out.
He also said parents should have good communication with their children and let them know they are loved.
“Also, let that child know that, hey, if you get in a situation where things don’t feel right, that they can come to you and talk to you. We also look at schools to be able to assist us with these types of investigation,” said Ames.
Ames said to watch out for a young person having multiple cell phones, a lot of cash and inappropriate attire, as these can be key indicators of trafficking. He also wanted to remind the public that if you notice something suspicious, call 9-1-1.